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Politicians & Musicians: Weekly Letter Writing for TX Voter Turnout

Join us for an entertaining night of letter writing to get out the vote in Texas with Texas House Democratic candidates and local musicians!

*Sponsored by Swing Left Austin, the Texas Democratic Party and Blue Action Democrats*

1) Register to write letters through the Vote Forward platform. (It can take a day or two to get approved, so make sure you do this in advance!)

2) Once you're approved to send letters, request to adopt voters under their two Texas-targeted campaigns (we recommend selecting 20 voters for the length of our event).

3) Print the letter templates out. If possible, have envelopes and stamps on hand, too.

1) We'll meet various Texas House Democratic candidates.
2) We'll enjoy a musical performance from a local musician.
3) We'll show you how to personalize your letters to voters so you can have the maximum impact! Vote Forward and Swing Left volunteers send heartfelt handwritten letters to unregistered and low-propensity voters encouraging them to participate in our democracy. The letters have been shown to significantly boost voter turnout.

Store the letters in a safe place until it's time to mail them out in mid-October.

You do not need to live in Texas to participate! If you are interested in flipping the balance of power in the Texas state house, ending Republican gerrymandering, and getting out the vote, then this event is for you.